Forgiving what you can't forget by Lysa Terkeurst
Hello Queen,
I think Lysa tops my list of favourite authors. Honestly, there were so many moments while reading her book that I felt like she was sitting right there with me, holding my hand and helping me through some of the toughest parts of my pain. Forgiveness is such a tough topic to write about but she did it so lovingly and gently. Trust me, it’s way too easy to feel attacked when reading about forgiveness in Christian literature, but Lysa? She gets it.
As a writer myself, she really inspired me to do better. You can feel how much she pours her heart and soul into these tough conversations about forgiveness. I love that she shares her own shortcomings and journey to healing. One thing that really struck me was how often we mix up forgiveness and trauma. I’ve had to be super intentional about separating the two, and this book helped me see that so clearly.
I’ll say this: if you want to really understand what forgiveness means—like, what the Bible actually says about it—this is the book for you. It dives into setting boundaries, healing from painful experiences, and working through the emotional debris we often carry with us. It’s definitely a tough read at times because it forces you to be brutally honest with yourself about those things you’ve been holding onto. I had some serious heart-to-heart moments with God while reading this. And you know what? It reminded me that I’m not in this alone. God genuinely wants us to thrive beyond our pain.
I’m still unpacking a lot of what I’ve been through, but I’ll leave you with this: forgiveness isn’t a one-size-fits-all, quick-fix solution. It’s messy, it’s raw, and it takes time, prayer, and a whole lot of wisdom. But if you’re willing to do the hard work, this book is the perfect guide to walk with you. It’s a beautiful companion on the journey to healing.
If you’re willing to do the work - here’s your next best read.
Sal x